Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The Word

Has God ever spoken to you?

Not to me directly. If that ever happened I'd be afraid that it might not be God but a voice like that of Marshall in the movie "Mr. Brooks", giving me some very bad advice.

After my Real Husband died I was in deep trouble. By keeping up my persona as The Strongest Woman in the World nobody knew this. But it was bad, really bad.

The Christmas morning a few months after his death, my #2 daughter gave me a book of poetry. While people were opening gifts I opened the book and read the first poem.

It was as if God were speaking directly to me. Every word of the *poem was about me. It told me EXACTLY what to do. And I did it.

I've since shared the poem with many friends and family members. Not one of them has had anything near the same experience. God did not speak to them. I guess that's the way it is.

*The Journey by Mary Oliver