Saturday, July 7, 2007

Strawberry Shake

For over eight years my Real Husband went to a dialysis clinic for six hours of treatment every other day.

Some days he was so ill afterwards that the only thing he could keep down was a strawberry shake from Burger King. So we were at the Drive Thru on a regular basis.

The only problem was that the shake machine was down - a lot. I learned that most fast food places don't sell many shakes and therefore don't make a profit on them so when the machines go down - which is often - repairs don't happen fast.

Now you might think I could just go to the next fast food place down the street with no problem. But you might not think that if you were driving with a 230 lb. semi-conscious man who might start spouting blood all over the car any minute.

One frustrating day at the Drive Thru I noticed the little sign that says something like "If you experience a problem e-mail (area, general, global, whatever) manager..." The name listed was the same as a really wild and crazy teenager we'd known 25 years prior to that time.

When I got home I e-mailed this guy with my tale of woe.

Two weeks later there was a knock on the door. There stood a 40ish year old man with two strawberry shakes.

It was the same guy. He stayed a couple of hours catching us up on his life. A good life. He would have come sooner but I had complained about the "Palm Springs" Burger King. He thought we were in California, not our neighborhood in Florida.

We had fewer problems getting the shakes after that.

Aren't people positively amazing?