Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Who Are We For Dad?

All of my children watched sporting events with their father. When they were little every one of them said at some time, "Who are we for dad?" They soon began to make their own decisions about sports, politics and everything else. This is a good thing, something we encouraged.

Who are you for?

I'm getting ready to fully support a presidential candidate. I never take the decision lightly. It's hard to figure out who to be for. I takes work. It takes courage to share a positive opinion about a politician.

On the other hand, it's easy and (apparently for most people) fun to vilify candidates.

I receive horribly negative e-mails about political candidates - sometimes from people I really care about. I receive mail from both major parties. When the letter starts by bashing an opponent, I stop reading and throw it away.

If you see me at a party please don't bore me with Bush, Clinton, Cheney or Obama bashing. Tell me who you're for and why. I want to know.

But I want you to respect what I have to say as well.