Tuesday, July 3, 2007

I Don't Sleep

I've had life long insomnia.

I went to a small private elementary school for kids who were at risk for poor health. I took required naps every day until I was 12 years old. How many times did I actually fall asleep. That would be NEVER. (But I did develop a rich fantasy life which is a good thing for a writer.)

I've traveled half way around the world. I've never slept on a plane. I've never slept in a car or any other moving vehicle.

Just last week I read some sleep expert's advice. He said not to worry about missing a night's sleep because you'll fall asleep quickly the next night. All together now HA HA HA HA HA HA! What a joke. Any true insomniac will tell you that the second night is always worse.

Some people say you can't go for more than three nights without sleeping. I've done it many times.

Pills work - but I don't want to take them for the rest of my life. So I save them for emergencies.

After a lifelong struggle I now know what to do most nights to get to sleep - but sometimes there are other priorities. Like snuggling with a grandchild.