Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Who's Driving the Bus?

My Boyfriend and I live at opposite ends of the country.

When I'm at home I have a big, full life. I love my church and community activities. Love to eat out, go to movies and plays, swim, keep in daily touch with friends and family and spend hours each day working on my computer.

My Boyfriend has a big, full life as well. He plays golf with his friends, belongs to museums, playhouses and the symphony, works out most days, does art work and, in general, is one of the most social guys I know. He's always there to help a friend.

I've lived in my state over 40 years. He's lived in his HOUSE over 40 years.

His house is very contemporary. My condo is very traditional.

How do we make this relationship work?

When I'm his house guest he drives the bus.

When he's my house guest I drive the bus.