Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Purple Hat Rule

My #2 son told me about this rule and it's really helped me deal with the frustration of never seeming to get it right with some people.

Example: You're applying for a mortgage. You've filled out all of the paperwork, checked your credit rating and, in general, have done everything right. But then you're turned down for some reason you never heard of. It's like they just made it up. It's the Purple Hat Rule. (You forgot to wear the purple hat.)

I've become an affiliate member at my Boyfriend's health club for the summer. The first few times they rejected my card. Each time it was for some new reason. I didn't get upset. It's the Purple Hat Rule. (I forgot to wear the purple hat.)

"We don't accept those coupons anymore."

"But it's says right here that you do."


It's the Purple Hat Rule.

I feel sorry for people who belong to these really strict denominations and churches. Ones with very narrow sets of rules and regs. They spend their whole lives trying to OBEY THE LAW so that they'll go to heaven with their super close friends. But what if, when they die, this real loud voice says, "Step aside, you forgot to wear the purple hat."