Saturday, July 28, 2007

Everybody Loves BBQ

One time I worked for several months as a consultant for a man who owned a few sports stores. I know nothing about sports but he needed help dealing with his employees. They were unhappy. He had high turnover.

His heart was in the right place but he was inconsistent. Giving a young manager a Rolex for Christmas one year and nothing the next - for no reason - doesn't make for happy campers.

That same Christmas he had splurged on a Christmas party at a high end restaurant for his warehouse workers - who were making minimum wage or a little more. They resented the party and he didn't know why.

Several times I went to the warehouse in my jeans and tee shirt just to chit chat. Among other things, I asked every person what a dream Christmas party would look like for them.

OVERWHELMINGLY, the answer was BBQ. Served buffet style right there in the warehouse, on company time, with a D. J. and loud music. No dressing up.