Friday, July 20, 2007

Perfecting Stand Up

As a consultant I did my share of platform speaking. Being hired by companies to speak at conventions is fun, prestigious and pays well.

Since I wasn't an expert on much of anything, I wasn't a celebrity and I didn't do anything unusual (like sleep with Elvis,) I got hired as a platform speaker because I was entertaining and funny. I could relay important information in a winsome way.

Stand Up isn't easy. I have great admiration for comedians. I taught church classes on a regular basis so I practiced on them. They were kind to let me try out my material and didn't hesitate letting me know when it was bad.

I tried for years to perfect a bit about "Temptation." At that time "The Temptations" were a well know singing group. My question was "Can you resist temptation?" Then I said something like "I try but that guy on the end just gets to me!" No matter how I worded it - it fell flat.

Years ago I was on a cruise and the stand up comedian was as corny as could be. But he'd been steadily employed for 23 years so he knew what he was doing. I went to his afternoon workshop. He said he had a bit in his act that lasted about 5 seconds but that he'd worked on for 2 months. I believed him.

Here's the bit. He had this crazy jacket with geese all over the front and one BIG one on the back. A few minutes into his act he says to the audience "Do you like my jacket?" Then he spins around with his arms and legs spread and says, "Well, get a gander at this!"

The audience loved it.