Wednesday, August 22, 2007

My Alter Ego

Do you ever fantasize about living some other life? One that's totally opposite from the path you're on?

Several years ago I was talking with one of my Power Ranger friends and - guess what? - out of all of the role models in the world, we had the same one.

Christiane Amanpour.

If you're thinkin' "Who?" She's CNN's Chief International Correspondent. Bill Clinton calls her "The Voice of Humanity."

I've fantasized about living Christiane's life for a very long time. She really caught my imagination during the first Gulf War when she reported nightly while bombs rained down all around her.

She's not beautiful and she's not cute. Doesn't have a great hair do. Usually dresses in fatigues. She's very "no nonsense."

Even her worst critics would describe her as brave.

This week she's doing a 6 hour series on Religious Zealotry featuring the Big Three: Jews, Christians and Muslims.

I used to dream about being Christiane while emptying the diswasher for the third time in one day.