Thursday, August 9, 2007

Make Up

I put on makeup every day. But not much. It take me 5 minutes. Not many people see me without makeup but I usually remind those who do that they are very special.

For 8 years my Real Husband was on hemodialysis. As you may know, this is a process that cleanses the blood of those folks who no longer have kidney function. Every other day we left the house at 5:30 A.M. Early on, when he was able to get himself ready, I hopped out of bed at 5:25 A.M. slid into gym clothes and was behind the wheel of the car. Five minutes flat.

Most of the patients for that shift were in the waiting room. I always greeted each one and, of course, reminded them of how special they were to get to see me sans makeup and my hair going every which way.

Five or so hours later I arrived back at the dialysis center looking remarkably better. Sometimes the patients laughed and kidded me about how grateful they were that I'd combed my hair.

I loved this little game because most of them were dying.