Friday, August 31, 2007

God's Gift

The recent report telling us that seniors are sexy (duh!) has had over the top press. The other night on Letterman's top 10 list of senior pick up lines: No. 1 was "Hi, I'm Dave Letterman."

As long as my kids were living at home I talked with them about sex - and, for the most part, they hated the conversations. What I used to say to them was "Don't ever deny your sexuality."

My denomination does a good job of helping young people deal realistically and responsibly with their budding sexuality. I wish we did the same kind of thing for every decade of our lives.

We could start with our political and religious leaders. It seems like there's always that power thing mixed up with that sex thing. But it's a lot more complicated than that.

How important is it? It's life and death.

In my opinion, God gave us a beautiful gift. But like many of God's gifts we tend to screw it up.