Saturday, August 4, 2007

Friday Night at the Movies

My Boyfriend and I saw "The Boune Ultimatum" last night. Yes, that's right. We saw it on opening night. At night. Not a matinee.

Unlike "The Departed," there was much about the movie I liked. In many ways it's a beautiful movie. It was filmed all over the world. Magnificent downtowns. The editing is terrific. Lots of interesting detail.

But needs more action and less dialogue. Of course I'm kidding! Matt Damon is cute as the dickens but he has very little to say.

Many fans of this third movie in the trilogy are wondering if Jason Bourne is killed in the end. I will answer that question without spoiling the movie for you.

Yes, he's killed many times.

In the last five minutes (just after he's killed in the police car chase where about 500 cars are crashed) he's killed when:

- he crashes through a plate glass window
- he jumps over a railing and falls ten stories
- he plunges deep into the river

Enjoy the movie.