Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Gift Lady

Our family used to have a friend who loved to give us gifts. They weren't necessarily expensive but they were always clever and well thought out.

Once, on the morning the six of us were piling into the car for a long trip, she arrived with many brown paper bags - and an old alarm clock. She instructed the children to set the alarm for 30 minutes after we left - at which time they were to open bag # 1. Inside were balloons to be blown up and given to people at our first rest stop. And so on. Each bag had it's own instructions. That was an entertaining trip.

Later on she gave us an expensive dinner plate along with a diary. We were to use the plate to honor any person in the family who deserved it. And that person was to write about the event in the diary. We used the plate for years - for birthdays, good grades, you name it.

She liked to call us the Brady Bunch. I guess I was Carol.

Once, years after we moved from her city, she arrived for a Christmas visit. All of the children were grown. Some had their own children. She gave the same gift to each of us. A beautiful little red pocket knife.

At that time we became your worst nightmare. The Brady Bunch with knives!