Sunday, September 16, 2007

The "L" Word

Early on my Boyfriend became impatient with me because I wouldn't/couldn't tell him that I loved him.

He reminded that I had a male friend to whom I freely said "I love you." It's not the same. I do love that person but it doesn't imply nearly as much as the Boyfriend "I love you" would.

I love my friends and relatives and tell them so - often. It's not the same either.

Love is a complicated word and means so many different things. It's way more than a feeling, it's a commitment. People who are married to Alzheimer's patients can attest to that.

I love my children. This is altogether different. I love them with a passion that's staggering. (And I know that they know it.) Even those whom I don't see often and those with whom I don't often agree.

A few years ago my son, who was about 40 at the time, became seriously ill. I surprised myself by dropping everything, including my terminally ill husband, to be a his bedside. It wasn't like he needed me. He has a loving wife and an entourage. I needed it. It was everything I could do not to crawl into the hospital bed with him.

But when the crisis was over I said, "See ya!"

I love my grandchildren. But not like some people who have the bumper stickers that say "If I'd Known I'd Love My Grandkids So Much I Would Have Had Them First."

So, knowing all of this - here's the thing: