Monday, September 17, 2007

Call Me Crazy

Call me crazy but I'm one of those people who thinks that our little planet is in real trouble. Global warming is a big part of it but it's not confined to that.

In comparison to most of the people around me I live a pretty stripped down life. I've given away most of my stuff. If something comes in - something else has to go out.

I think most people are finally "getting it" but it's depressing and we feel helpless.

I'm reading a fantastic book by Matthew Sleeth call "Serve God Save the Planet." He's a doctor and was an ER director for a long time. But now he's doing other things - things he thinks are more important.

Sure, the book has the usual scary predictions - like the earth is ...a sinking ship with billions of passengers aboard.

But there are positive suggestions: Early on he asks us to ask ourselves these questions:
  • How can I help people today and in the future?
  • How can I be less materialistic?
  • How can I live a more charitable life?
  • What would happen if I led a slower-paced existence?
  • What is the spiritual prescription for depression, anxiety and anger?
  • How can I become a better steward of nature?
And this blew me away:
...if every household changed its five most used bulbs to compact fluorescent light bulbs, the country could take twenty-one coal-fired power plants off-line tomorrow. This would keep one trillion pounds of poisonous gases and soot out of the air we breath and would have the same beneficial impact as taking eight million cars off the road.
So I'm going to buy some more of those funny looking light bulbs today. Last week I bought "green bags" at my grocery store to use instead of carrying home my pitiful amount of groceries in about 9 plastic bags.
I think we can turn this thing around with a minimum amount of sacrifice but if we're going down like the Titanic I don't want to be spending my time rearranging deck chairs.