Friday, January 4, 2008

The Best Gift

What constitutes the "best" gift? I think it's like "The Gift of the Magi" when people sacrifice in order to give. Remember the old SNL skit when Donald Trump sold his yacht to buy Ivana a jewel encrusted front door for Mar-A-Lago - only to learn that Ivana had sold Mar-A-Lago to buy him some fabulous thing for the yacht?

Like that.

I got some fun gifts for Christmas. But my Boyfriend got the best one from his 16 year old granddaughter. She's one of those kids who is crazy busy with school and sports and LIFE.

That's why it's so touching that she made her grandfather a CD. She downloaded tunes from her Ipod. But not the ones she listens to. She chose songs and artists that he loves. Nora Jones, Fiona Apple and Herbie Hancock.

The CD cover is an old picture of my Boyfriend holding a one year old baby girl.
On the inside all of the song titles and artists' names are hand written.

Last night we arrived home from our eleven state road trip. We have piles of dirty clothes and an avalanche of mail. But it's been a good day partly because we've played the CD so many times.