Saturday, January 19, 2008

What's On Your Bucket List?

We had some friends over for dinner last night. Great discussions about all kinds of things. It's not that we agree on everything but we all care for and respect each other so we can enjoy sharing our thoughts.

We talked about movies. "The Bucket List" was mentioned. This movie, staring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, is about two old guys who are terminally ill, i.e., ready to kick the bucket, so they go out and do all of the things they've always wanted to do.

I haven't seen the movie so don't know how it plays out for them.

Last night we spent some time sharing what's on our Bucket Lists. To my surprise, I finally had to say that I'm pretty content. Oh, I'd like to see more of the world and buy a few things but basically I feel very blessed right now in my personal life.

I'm always missing my many children and grandchildren and sometimes fantasize that we could live together on a big compound. Sort of like South Fork on "Dallas." But then I remember that those people spent a lot of time trying to kill each other and had serious drinking problems - including Miss Ellie.

At this point my Bucket List would mostly consist of things for other people.

What would you like to get done before you kick the bucket?
