Saturday, November 10, 2007

Writing My Way to an Authentic Life

Yesterday I attended a half day class taught by a good friend. He and I have teamed up from time to time but he taught this class with another writer.

The title was Writing Your Way to an Authentic Life.

As any writer will tell you, the absolutely worst thing about writing is - not being able to do it. "Writer's Block" is awful.

But for some reason my friend knows how to drag the words out of me. Not only that, but they're real.

He's one of the most open, feeling people I know. I guess it rubs off.

Here are a couple of things I scribbled down yesterday.

The couple of years prior to (my Real Husband's) death was so hard! Wondering everyday how long I could go on. But I did!

His death during hurricanes. Everybody in Florida was suffering.

Why did I renew my passport two weeks after he died? I had no trip planned.

(Boyfriend) showing up out of the blue.

I want my relationships with my family to be about that. Relationships! That's all I have to offer them. That's all they have to offer me.

I want to spend lots of time talking and listening to other people. I like hearing other people's stories. Sometimes hard to draw them out because people want to share their junk rather than the good stuff.

Reading back over the above and pages of other notes from yesterday I know what I want in the future. And I know I want to write about it.