Monday, November 19, 2007

New Beginnings

When I was speaking before large groups I would often repeat one or both of the following truths:
  • Everybody likes new beginnings.
  • It's possible that the person you will love the most hasn't yet been born.

I just spent the last few days with one of the newest people on the planet - and her family.

Their livestyle is a bit different from mine (mainly faster) but I loved every minute I was with them. This new person is so fortunate to be born into this family - at this time in history.

How do you feel about babies being born today? A couple of weeks ago I was in a meeting with a man I respect who let us all know that this is a terrible time for children to grow up.

Guess I might agree if the child is born in Liberty City or Bangladesh. But even children born in hard places can have good lives if they're loved enough. And children born into wealthy cities, countries and families can have miserable lives.

Despite the billboards to the contrary, every child is not a blessing. I think the key is to truly want them.

I feel so profoundly grateful that this child is a blessing - and will be blessed her whole life.

She's perfect and mom is fine.