Friday, November 9, 2007

Facts and Feelings

I met a wealthy friend on the street today who was all doom and gloom about our current fiscal situation. It was esentially the We're All Gonna Die! speech.

The facts are that the housing market is (temporarily) going down the tubes. My city was just listed as the #1 over priced housing market in the country. Our home prices are predicted to drop another 35%.

So come on down if you want a bargain.

The DOW is currently in free fall.

Oil prices are out of sight and gas is golden.

OK, first, why would we go into a depression every time the DOW drops? It's always come back up. The DOW is bipolar. It shoots up and down with the slightest provocation.

Those of us who can sit tight are fine. But I have great feeling for:
  • People who have to sell a house through no fault of their own.
  • People who have to retire when the market's down.
  • Workers with long commutes, truckers, and other who have to fill up every day.
  • Poor people. They always suffer the most when times are tough.
I am not anything close to rich. But some of the time I feel rich compared to people I know who have a lot more money than I do and are terrified of losing a little of it.

Have a good day!