Tuesday, November 27, 2007

All Drugged Up

I just spent 2 days in the hospital because my B/P went kafluey again. I though maybe I was having a stroke but after all the testing they essentially said,

Get out of here. We need your bed for somebody who's, you know, sick.

One the one hand, it's nice to know that my health is practically perfect. On the other, I have a problem that just won't get fixed.

I'm now looking for a cardiologist who doesn't think a spiking blood pressure is boring.

I went back to the hospital this morning to buy a copy of my patient records at one dollar per page. You would think it wouldn't be much for two days of testing but it set me back the price of dinner and a movie.

And it wasn't very interesting reading. What do you make of this phrase?

A female of moderate development

Is that an insult?