Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Last Days

I had some great support after my Real Husband died. Some people where there for me that I never expected and others surprised me by not being there so much.

This is probably due to the persona I like to project as The Most Powerful Woman in the World.

When we loose somebody close - like a husband of 44 years - the last days are usually emblazoned on our brains. I want to say that my situation was particularly horrible - but they all are.

My church helped me heal. Especially a class that I did NOT want to take called "Walking the Mourner's Path."

But the most helpful person has been my Boyfriend. Here's why. His wife of 44 years died as well. So we have shared our last days stories over and over and over again.

Is there anything more healing than having another person lovingly listen to your sad story until you're finished?