Saturday, June 23, 2007


I'm a great believer in civility. Yes I realize that there's a difference between good and nice.

I saw the movie "Mr. Brooks" last night. Mr. Brooks was a mass murderer but he was very polite about it.

That's not what I'm talking about.

At this time in my life I want the people I interact with to be civil and polite no matter what kind of difficult problems we're grappling with. That's not to say we don't tease each other or say outrageous things in fun.

It's amazing to me that, at the few important meetings I still attend, a person is allowed by the rest of the group (of strong but civil people) to be loud and insulting.

Not only do I want this in my own life but I believe that the world would be a much safer place if our leaders embraced this concept. Threats and tough talk get us deeper and deeper into treacherous waters. I find our refusal to negotiate with "enemies" to be appalling.

Loud, mean words hurt. They almost never solve the problem.

My Boyfriend is kind to every person he meets. What a guy!