Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Slow is Beautiful

One of the things I used to consult about was"Time Management." To me it was never about being busy every minute of the day. It was always about living a "Balanced Life."

Creative people, especially, need time to think and dream. But we all need to take the time to figure out who we are. My body rhythms are not like yours. My mind is sharp in the morning and clicks off at about 7 PM.

I've read literally hundreds of articles on "Time Management." The vast majority of writers tell us to slow down but then spend half of the article bragging about how crazy busy they are.

Even my retired friends are in a tizzy most of the time. Way over committed. Sometimes when I ask "Why did you volunteer to do this?" the answer comes, "Because nobody else would do it."

My answer to that is always "So?"

Today when I was having lunch at Panera's and looking at my "People" magazine I counted how many diners (seated with other people) were on their cell phones. LOTS! If I have lunch with you, here's all I want - your undivided attention.

My friend and guru sent me these quotes a while back:

We carry whole worlds within us as we brush by each other in the supermarket to read mayonnaise jars - Mark Nepo

The more faithfully you listen to the voice within you, the better you will hear what is sounding outside. And only she who listens can speak. - Dag Hammerskjold

The two most radical things you can do in America are to slow down and talk to each other. - Mary Pipher
