Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Bug Season

The holidays are here. That means lots of people are sick. Not me. I'm fine. My little B/P saga is under control and I'm looking forward to flying north in a few days for a glorious reunion with my BF.

But I'm also spending time with lots of other people including kids with running noses and adults with crazy coughs.

The little Viet Namese lady who did my nails today was sick as a dog. After all of that pampering I went straight to the restroom and scrubbed from the elbows down.

My 2 and 4 year old grand kids are coming over tonight. I can't wait. Tomorrow morning I'm visiting a man who's sick in bed with the stomach stuff.

Tomorrow afternoon I'm attending my favorite luncheon of the season - or any season. No telling how many germ factories will have had their hands in the buffet before it's over.

Christmas eve I'll be in church with hoards of little kids bouncing off the walls. My new 4 week old grand child is playing the baby Jesus. It's an acting stretch because she's a girl but I think she can pull it off.

Is all of this worth the risk of my getting a bug? Are you kidding me?

But I have started taking Airborne and doubling up on the V-C.
