Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sunday Is A-Comin'

It seems like people are dropping like flies! My niece has written a sad, hysterically funny, insightful blog called "Living with the Oldies" for the last couple of years.

Her in laws, who were dying at the time, moved in with her and her husband about then. They received such excellent care that they got better. Not well - but better enough to cause trouble on a daily basis.

The Oldie mom died a few weeks ago. The Oldie dad on Friday.

I had shared the blog with a friend who's been caring for her elderly parents. Her mother's memorial service was last night.

My Boyfriend is back after attending his sister's memorial service in North Carolina.

Hole Week is upon us. We experienced such a powerful worship service this morning that we barely spoke on the way to the restaurant to meet "My Oldies" who showed up late and worried us.

This is the week we who call ourselves "Christian" are to dwell a bit on the agony of Christ's last days. I have friends of other faiths who are in solidarity with us on this.

This morning's service ended with a video of Jesus on the cross. An African American minister did the voice over - describing the anguish, pain and suffering in great detail but interspersing the phrase "They didn't know that Sunday was a-comin'."

So when I'm allowing myself in this Holy Week to be introspective and sad or worried sick about various things - I need to remember.

Sunday Is A Comin'.
