Monday, March 3, 2008

Into the Woods

This morning I woke up not feeling so good. Yesterday we had a lesson in Sunday school on "Introspection." We're supposed to think that way during Lent.

After being up a while this morning I had a phone call that made me a little sad. It caused me to be introspective.

Then my Boyfriend and I had a very serious conversation about our "feelings."

Then we decided to go to a state park for our walk.

We walked many miles through wilderness trails. We walked up hills and around fallen trees. We walked over a stream, stepping on rocks. I lost my balance and one foot went into the muddy water up to my shin. We started out cold but got very, very warm.

When we'd gone as far as we could possibly go without passing out we discovered that the only way to our car was to turn around and do it again.

I was getting dizzy. My foot and leg were itching. We saw a snake.

We finally reached civilization in the form of a spring lake with a concession stand near by. We bought cold drinks and dangled our feet in the cold spring water. Sand flees began biting us.

Then we found our car and drove home.

How do I feel after all of this? I feel great! I feel alive! I feel at peace with God, other people and nature. I feel like The Strongest Woman in the World!

I feel like my two year old granddaughter when she stands on the dining room chair, raises her arms and says:

