Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Clean Kitchen Floor

I slept well last night. I'm an early riser but this morning I woke up all groggy. Went to the kitchen. One of the first things I do in the morning is take my medicine (like a good girl.) Then, I make a cup of Lipton's Brisk Tea with 175mg protective antioxidants. It's fast and easy using my little instant boiling water spicket. Then I turn on some music, sit on the couch and read until I'm fully alive. If I'm lucky that can sometimes be three hours.

So I opened the cupboard and grabbed the plastic pill box but immediately dropped it.

It fell into an opened box of diet, caffeine free aluminum coke cans that was sitting vertically on the floor of the cupboard. Don't know how it could have happened but this plastic pill box punctured a coke can. First thing I did was grab the pill box because my B/P meds are quite pricey.

I got a paper towel and dumped the pills that were exposed on the towel and began dabbing at them. Then I noticed the faint hissing sound. So I grabbed the box of cokes - with the one can sprouting a little volcano - and put it in the sink.

But in doing so I dripped coke all over the kitchen floor. I emptied the box, wiped down the coke cans and put them in the fridge - all but the punctured one. In doing so I found some more pills at the bottom of the box but they were goners.

I took my morning pills then scrubbed the entire kitchen floor. It needed it. Then I changed out of my coke sprayed robe and threw it in the washer.

When I sat down on the couch with my tea I was no longer groggy.
