Thursday, February 14, 2008

Rookie's Night Out

Today is Valentine's Day. We've had a romantic day but we won't be going out to dinner. This is Rookie's Night Out. All of the people who never eat out will fill up the restaurants tonight.

Likewise Mother's Day.

After our romantic two mile walk this morning we drove downtown for our annual Valentine's Day Feeding the Homeless project. Today seven of us fed 300 people in one hour flat! We filled the plates assembly line style and served them up.

After that we attended a romantic Memorial Garden Meeting. Years ago I helped build a memorial garden on my church campus. My Real Husband's ashes are interred there. We say hello to him whenever we pass by.

When we arrived home we ate chocolate covered strawberries.

This is a wonderful day to be "romantic" no matter what your circumstances.

But if you want a romantic dinner out - do it tomorrow.
