Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A Calling

Yesterday my Boyfriend and I were once more discussing a "Calling." He's kind of fascinated that my Real Husband left a lucrative career to enter seminary largely because he experienced a calling.

He attended a businessmen's spiritual retreat in the 1960s and felt God call him to full time ministry. We were not even (very) active in our church at the time.

Yes, I believe in callings. But I'd expand the concept. A while back a friend, who is a successful concert pianist (almost a contradiction in terms) sat on my couch and told us about how she grew up in a home that didn't value music. No one played an instrument. But from the time she was a toddler she knew what she had to do.

And what about the Southern Writers? People like Faulkner, Caldwell, Williams and Capote. Some of them came from families that didn't even read - much less write.

A calling is not about being successful or making tons of money.

My definition of "a calling" is this: "You have to do it." I also believe that this deep down need comes from God.

One of the saddest things is seeing people who are stuck in life and can't (or won't) do what they are called to do.
