Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Meaning of Words

The problem is that the meaning of words changes. We were in an old bookstore yesterday and saw a publication from the 1920s called "The GAY Magazine."   It featured spring weddings.

Leonard Pitts' column this morning is about Feminism - what it used to mean and what it's perceived to mean now. In the 60s women were proud to be known as feminists. Today even the most independent female shrinks from admitting to it.

I asked a friend what his definition of "feminist" would be and he said "Ugly lesbian."

It's sad because young women today owe a tremendous debt to the women who were out there making changes. My daughter went to law school with a young women who called herself an "anti - feminist."

I wonder who she thought paved the way for her to be in law school.

Leonard Pitts wrapped up his column with this:

We have, I think, lost collective memory of how things were before the "F" word. Of the casual beatings. Of casual rape. Of words like "old maid" and "spinster." Of abortion by coat hanger. Of going to school to find a man. Of getting an allowance and needing a husband's permission. Of taking all your spirit, all your dreams, all your ambition, aspiration, creativity, and pounding them down until they fit a space no longer than a casserole dish.

I'm very grateful that my daughters, granddaughters and I live in this world and not that one.