Thursday, February 21, 2008

Good News!

The other day I blogged (see Monkey Boy) about our Florida school system and how we're behind in science and how we don't believe in evolution so don't be sayin' that our great, great grandparents were monkeys!

The facts are that our school system used to be abysmal - but it's pretty well turned around in the last few years. In English and math, our kids tests scores have gone from close to the bottom of the list to close to the top.

And, even though I'm a democrat, I'll have to say that much of the credit goes to our former governor, Jeb Bush. (Perhaps you've heard of his family.)

And now here's more news! Our teachers are going to be required to teach evolution for the first time ever. It's not the original proposal that those crazy liberal scientists and educators worked on for months. The board has added the phrase "the scientific theory of" in front of evolution and some other concepts. But it's still a win for education in Florida.

Our kids will now have some concept of the theory on which most every other biological theory is based. Maybe we won't be sending them off to college (or to McDonald's) totally clueless.

As Lawrence Lerner, a retired physics professor at Cal State and national expert on public school science standards said:

At least the kids of Florida are going to learn some honest to-God biology.

And speaking of God, do I believe that He created the earth and all of us? Yes I do.
