Monday, October 8, 2007

The Sunshine State

I'm so happy I don't live in Seattle. While it's a breathtakingly beautiful place, it rains a lot. I get to feeling a little blue when it rains or is even overcast. My theory is that, since I'm big time claustrophobic, the cloud cover makes me feel closed in.

Thank goodness I live in The Sunshine State. But the thing is, since I returned home from my Boyfriend's house nearly 2 months ago it's rained almost every day.

And not the usual one hour thundershowers we're famous for. It rains all day.

There are mushrooms in the front yard.

When I'm getting dressed for the day I think it's cool (because it's gloomy) but then I walk outside to the 90 degree sauna.

My hair is way kinky.

I feel so sorry for people who have saved their money all year to come to Disney World. Please accept my personal apology.