Thursday, October 4, 2007

Save the Planet

My Boyfriend and I are taking this class on Wednesdays. It's about saving the planet. I'm into that. Call me crazy, but it just seems like a worthwhile endeavor.

The class if full of really smart and cool people and includes a catered lunch so how can it be anything but fun? Oh yes, and terrifying.

It was suggested by our leader that, instead of using the disposable plates, cups, etc. provided by the caterer, we bring our own utensils from home and reuse them.

I wanted to do this despite the fact that the disposable plates provided are made from corn and are, in fact, edible. We have proof because a young man in the class took a bite.

Didn't want to buy anything new. Finally found some old plates and cups. I'm carrying them back and forth in a plastic bag - but I'm washing all of these things and reusing them.

Here's why we should reuse plastic. In our society we're encouraged to throw it away but it lasts forever!

Today's Save the Planet tip: Never fertilize your lawn if you live on water.