Monday, October 15, 2007

It Won't Last

Whenever my Real Husband and I took those marriage tests that appear in women's magazines from time to time - we always flunked. We were so different in so many ways.

But the marriage did last. We hung in there for 44 years until he took off for a much better place.

Now, for some inexplicable reason, I've been blessed with this new relationship. My Boyfriend and I are alike in so many ways and we really, really like each other. I even feel ooey gooey about him sometimes.

But it won't last.

We have a short window.

Things will happen.

But until then we'll enjoy every day that we're allowed to have together. All the while each of us keeping our little place on the planet clean. And treating each other and everybody else - as best we can - with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.

When I was doing consulting work I would occasionally ask this question:

How many love affairs end in tragedy?

It's a trick question. The answer is: All of Them.