Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What's Out There?

When I was a little kid I used to lie on my back in the grass and study the sky. I liked to pretend that my mom or Jesus would appear on the edge of a cloud. Sometimes, if I squinted just so, I could even see them for a minute.

Two articles in this morning's paper kind of address this issue.

The first tells us that European astronomers have found 32 new planets outside our solar system. Six of them are several times bigger than Earth.

The other story is about a professor at Macalester college in Minneapolis. His job is to find new galaxies. And he does. He says it happens so often that it gets boring.

But now they've discovered a galaxy that's altogether different than anything they've seen before. The professor says they were "flabbergasted" by what they detected.

This galaxy might tell us how all of the galaxies are formed.

What an amazing time in which to live.

They might find my mom out there after all.
