There's been much in the news the last couple of days about Maria Shriver being seen using her cell phone while driving after her husband and governor of California, Arnold S., signed a law forbidding it.
Most of the people I know use their cell phones while driving. I almost never do. Here's why: I can't seem to do two things a once these days. It's not so much the talking as the dialing, of course, but even talking seems tricky when I have to hold the phone.
Both hands on the wheel! Ten and two!
I sure understand the need to get work done while spending endless hours in traffic but maybe the compromise should be hands free talking.
However, I don't like other drivers not making eye contact with me due to chatting. That's rude and dangerous. A while back a woman bumped my car at a light. I got out, looked at the bumpers, walked to her car and tapped on the window. She never got off the phone.
Despite all the funny suggestions for ways the Terminator might punish his wife for this infraction, I'm sure they'll work this out.
My guess is that the strongest man in the world has said something like this.
"Maria, would you pretty please not use your cell phone while driving and being photographed?"