Saturday, October 24, 2009

Do They Like Us in Outer Space?

Do you wonder about what -or if - they know of us in space?

Remember several years ago when they sent that drawing by da Vinci out on a space probe so that alien beings could know what we human beings look like? Wonder what they thought of us. We never heard back.

Not to worry.

The current issue of Newsweek reminds us that TV signals begin their endless journey outward into the cosmos at the speed of light and never stop.

So here's the deal.

Approximately 70 light years from here, near the star Aldebaran, they're now receiving "Howdy Doody."

Out 50 light years, near the star Capella, they can catch the first episodes of the "The Brady Bunch." This is good because it was the favorite childhood program of our first lady, Michelle Obama. She named all of the Brady kids on "Leno" last night, including that strange little after thought, Oliver.

Out 30 light years away, near the star Altair, some little green being is probably watching "Saved by the Bell."

Is there life on other planets? If so, they're learning all they need to know from these programs and others, like "Spongebob Squarepants."

I hope they like us.
