Saturday, May 9, 2009

Cultivating Contentment

I was away for a few days but now I'm back home.

The last couple of days I've been going over the material for a class I'm getting ready to teach. It's called "Cultivating Contentment" and it's about money and possessions and soldering through this crazy ongoing economy. But reading the material has helped me in other ways.

Because I've had an interesting week.

Some might say a tragic week. But great good has come from it. Good for my family and good for the community. Great good usually comes from tragedy if we look for it and cultivate it.

OK, here's what the material says: Contentment is found in relationships.

So true. But heartbreak is found in relationships as well. The writer, Adam Hamilton, in makes the following statements. They've helped me in my journey this week.

1. Remember that it could be worse. Yes, our situation could have been so much worse. A fraction of an inch would have made it an unbearable situation for me and many others, including most of the people I love.

2. Develop a grateful heart. I have a very grateful heart. I'm grateful to God. I'm grateful for every member of my family. I'm grateful for my boyfriend. I'm grateful for my friends. I'm grateful for my ministers and others in authority in my community.

I'm grateful for my quiet happy home where healing is taking place.
