Friday, May 22, 2009

Angels and Demons

Yesterday, along with five good women friends, I saw this movie. I really liked it. I was a bit afraid that they'd prefer to see a romantic comedy (chick flick.) I would have gone because I love being with them but my eyes usually glaze over after about 20 minutes when I watch those things. So I was happy with the choice we made.

I did not like "The Da Vinci Code." Way too confusing. This could be because I am one of only about three humans in the Western Hemisphere who didn't read the book.

Didn't read "Angels and Demons" either but it didn't matter.

Here's what I liked:

1. The breathtaking photography. Now I really, really want to go to Rome. This movie captures the city in the way no other movie I've seen - including one of my very favorites "Roman Holiday." Even though I understand it was filmed in Canada. I don't get it. Movie magic I guess.

2. The fast moving but very understandable plot. Unlike "The Da Vinci Code" mish mash, we knew exactly what Harvard symbologist (does Harvard really have a symbology department?) Robert Langdon was doing at all times.

3. Tom Hanks.

Being caught up as I am with theology and religious history and church politics and such, you might ask me "Is 'Angels and Demons' an important movie?"


It's a fictitious murder mystery with a twisted ending. Fun!

It goes over my two-hour limit by 18 minutes but I didn't mind much. I was entertained the whole time.
