Saturday, May 23, 2009

Graduation Day

I attended my grandson's high school graduation this morning. (Three down and seven to go!) It was a blessing and a privilege for me to be there along with his parents, his sister and his other grandparents.

Over the years I've attended scores of high school and college graduations. They all have one thing in common. They're LONG.

At least the main speaker stayed for the entire time. It has seemed to me that the more prestigious the speaker the more likely he or she is to skip out after the speech. The one big exception to this was several years ago when Bill Cosby spoke at a black college. I watched him not only stay to the end, but hug each and every graduate as they received their diplomas. (Yeah, that took a while.)

Sometimes the speaker is such a distraction that it takes away from the graduates being the rightful focus. At one of my kid's graduation from college Ted Turner spoke. He was good - but his wife at that time, Jane Fonda, was the focal point for the morning.

I'm not sure that graduations should be much shorter. The graduates need to be encouraged and feel important. But a few corners could be cut.

For instance, the speakers could cut it short. The kids aren't listening anyway. But I don't have my hopes up. Politicians and religious leaders never met a pulpit they didn't like.

In my grandson's ceremony this morning the kids were allowed to write out for themselves what was to be said of their accomplishments as they walked. That got a little out of hand. For instance, I don't believe "Self Taught Ninja" is necessary for me to know nor "Tried Out for the Basketball Team." We all could "try out" for the basketball team!

But, all in all it was a beautiful experience. I'm proud to be related to one more high school graduate.

And I don't think many people were suffering from the length of the program because at any given time half of the audience was playing with their phones.
