Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I Love a Guy With a Sense of Humor

My boyfriend and I have been separated for about 3 weeks now - and we have one more to go!

I miss him.

One of the best things about him is that he "gets" me. I hope he thinks I "get" him too.

Sometimes when we're in the mall or the park and I occasionally see a parent with a toddler on one of those "leashes" (I'm sure they must have a better name for them than that) I go into my little speech about how nobody likes them but I like them and I wish they were more popular - or even acceptable.

It seems to me that the toddler is free to run around and not hold his arm straight up in the air to reach his parent's hand - but is still safe.

My boyfriend doesn't say much about this. I wouldn't blame him, if, when I sometimes go off on my little tirades is, what he hears is blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Today I received a comic strip in the mail. It came with no explanation. (My boyfriend knows I love comic strips.)

This was the "Pooch Cafe" strip from May 21st. The dog is applying for health insurance. He answers all of the questions correctly and then the interviewer asks:

And are you currently attached to the end of a retracting retractable leash?

Of course, he knows the answer to this is going to get him denied his insurance. The last caption says:

My mother was on a retractable leash when she was pregnant and I turned out fine!!

This says so much about society, our health care system, leashes for dogs and people - and my boyfriend's sense of humor!

Not to mention the fact that he "gets" me.
