Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Powerful Women

This morning the president announced his choice for the next supreme court justice - Judge Sonia Sotomayor. In case you never heard of her, don't worry, you will.

She'll be a household name within 48 hours. She'll be scrutinized beyond reason. She's already been accused of not being smart enough (Princeton and Yale!!,) of being too conservative and of being too liberal.

She's a former prosecutor. One of my children is a former prosecutor and it has served her well in every other endeavor she's undertaken. So I'm prejudiced for prosecutors.

Judge Sotomayor appears to be a powerful and an "empowered" woman - so I think she's up to the rigorous process that has already started.

I call my circle of close personal friends "Power Rangers" because it's my belief that we've been empowered by the Holy Spirit in various ways so that, as we get older and our bodies start to fall apart (not to mention our minds) we will still know and have that power.

It will just express itself in different ways.

Pentecost is coming up this Sunday. It's the time that Christian folks celebrate the day the disciples and others were empowered. The symbolic color for this is RED. (For FIRE.)

A lot men (and women) of my generation weren't comfortable with the concept of women being powerful. But most have had to get over it - because we are. Period!

Years ago, one of my Power Rangers, who is a retired Methodist minister, celebrated Pentecost in her church by having people at each end of the aisle wave billowing red sheets over the heads of the congregation.

A gentle reminder that we're all empowered if we choose to be.
