Monday, May 18, 2009

Comfort Food

The entire country is stressed. We need comfort food. What's your favorite?

Sales are way up for:

Kraft Macaroni and Cheese
Hershey Candy Bars
Dinty Moore Beef Stew
Hormel Chili

Also Alka-Selzer, Pepto-Bismol and all kinds of anti-acids.

One of my favorite comfort foods when I was feeling bad used to be Kraft mac 'n cheese. I say "used to" because I haven't eaten it in years. I have no interest in the homemade kind. No chopped ham inside or bread crumbs on top for me.

I wanted Kraft Deluxe. The box with the can of processed cheese inside (not the packet of dried stuff.) I liked it hot, really cheesy and eaten from my favorite cup, while sitting on the couch.

Years ago radio talk show host, Jim Philips used to have a mac 'n cheese recipe for women who wanted to go into labor. He pretty much guaranteed that it would work within 24 hours.

The requirements were precise. (The first one was what made it work.)

- You had to be at least a week overdue.
- You had to have your suitcase packed and by the door.
- Your husband had to make the recipe using Kraft mac 'n cheese.

I've forgotten the other ingredients. No, wait, one was Worcestershire Sauce.

Anyway, macaroni and cheese is back in favor with adults - as well as children. Like many things, it doesn't cure what's ailing you - but it does make you feel better.
