Friday, July 11, 2008

This is How I've Been Moving Through It

Yesterday my Boyfriend and I, along with another couple, went to Augsburg College to see an art exhibit by a friend of theirs, Gregory Euclide.

He titled the exhibit "This is How I've Been Moving Through It."

I can't get this title out of my head.

In this morning's paper there's an article about a 17 year old serial rapist who's just been given a 25 year sentence. One of his victims was quoted as saying that she badly wants to forgive him but isn't quite ready, She doesn't want to spend the rest of her life afraid and full of hate. She's moving toward overcoming this evil that came into her life with good.

So this is how she's moving through it.

I have suffered life altering trauma. I'm much healthier now than I was a few years ago but it's been a long, lonely road. The journey continues as I continue to dig deep and make choices. Choices with which, I'm sure, not everyone agrees.

But - this is how I've been moving through it.
