Saturday, July 5, 2008

Seeing Things in a Different Way

Next door to my grand children's house lives a little genius. Not that my grandchildren aren't because they're way smart - but this kid is off the chart.

One day a few years ago when he was about 8 years old he came over with a book on Origami. I told him I only knew how to do one "fold." So I folded my white construction paper over many times, then opened it to reveal a chair.

He said, "I like it, but it's a piano."

In all the years I've been folding this thing nobody ever suggested it was anything but a chair. But when I looked at it, it very much resembled an upright piano.

I'm trying very hard these days to see things in a different way. To see them from other people's point of view.

I'm in the middle of Anne Lamott's book, Grace (Eventually.) It's helping me .
