Sunday, July 6, 2008

Hair Again

As you know, I spend very little time on my hair. Most days it looks OK. Many years ago, after doing what most women do and spending what most women spend, I said, "Enough."

Today I read an article in the Sunday USA Magazine that made me laugh out loud. It's titled "5 Things You Don't Know About Taming Frizzy Hair."

1. See a Great Stylist.

I used to get my hair cut in the mall but when the price went from $32 to $34 I switched to "Great Clips." It's $11 for seniors. I can't tell the difference in the cut. Occasionally I try a new place but "Great Clips" seems to do it just about like everybody else. And no appointment necessary.

2. Select the Right Products. Your stylist can help you pick appropriate products.

The article goes on to suggest six different "must have" products. Are you kidding me? The stylist makes a commission on every product she or he sells.

3. Apply Correctly.

It doesn't seem like rocket science to read the directions but apparently it's much more complicated. The first thing is, after you wash your hair, never dry it with a towel. You must use a T-shirt or a microfiber towel. (I'm not making this up.)

4. Blow Dry for Your Hair Type.

Let's just say that this section is so long and complicated that the one thing I know is I've never, ever blow dried my hair properly.

5. Be Prepared!

This was my favorite part - the part that made me laugh.

Even if you do everything right, you can still get frizz. Always be ready to pull your hair back with a scarf

So there you have it.
