Monday, July 14, 2008

Some People Just Can't Take a Joke

Big controversy brewing today because the cover of the new issue of The New Yorker (my favorite magazine) shows:

- Barack Obama dressed in a robe and turban

- Michelle in a terrorist outfit including an assault rifle

- Standing in the oval office doing their famous fist tap

- While an American flag burns in the fireplace and Osama bin Laden's picture hangs over the mantel.

Lots of people are up in arms over this, including, I'm sure, Obama.

Come on folks, it's satire.

All thinking people, even those who oppose Obama, know that all of the above is nonsense. As for the others, the ones still sending the crazy e-mails, nothing will faze them.

By the way, a while back my Boyfriend played golf with a stranger who seemed like a nice man who said, right out of the blue, "Obama's a Muslim, you know!" My Boyfriend said, "Oh really?" The man continued, "Yes, he was raised in the Middle East." My Boyfriend replied, "No kidding."

No use arguing with this people. Nothing will faze them.

But, come on folks, we have some REAL issues to debate.

I can't wait to get our copy of The New Yorker to see what the story is behind the cover.
