Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Party

As I've already told you, our wedding was wonderful, with most of our kids and grand kids knocking themselves out to make it that way.

And then this last Sunday night a group of 40 or so friends threw a party for us. I was a bit nervous prior to the party because I do not like being the center of attention - unless I'm in charge!

But this night was spectacular. Not only for Dave and me but for everybody there. It was a celebration of love and life.

A part of this night was a skit depicting our courtship and wedding. It consisted of about a dozen acts, each lasting about 30 seconds, except the last one which was the wedding. It was longer.

You may remember that Dave and I met for the first time in the airport in Chicago after a six month pen pal relationship. Later on he told me he really liked the way I looked but that he was a little put off by my orange hair. (My only explanation for this is that it was September and I'd been swimming almost every day all summer.)

In the skit last Sunday night the woman portraying me was beautiful (as always) except for a bright orange Wendy's pigtail wig.

You may remember in my July 6th posting "The Wedding of My Dreams" I said that I wanted lots of bridesmaid and I wanted them wearing purple dresses with puffy sleeves.

In the last act of the skit there were lots of bridesmaids. At least one of them was male. They all wore purple dresses. And the flower girl was Mrs. Oldie.

After the skit we (the real us) cut the wedding cake and we all had a champagne toast to a long life filled with love.

For all of us.
