Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Oldies or the Street?

Besides being personally served their hot breakfast at their table at Panera's on Saturday morning, I've noticed that My Oldies have a new perk.

One of the hairdressers from across the street comes over to tell Mrs. Oldie that it's almost time for her standing hair appointment. Yes, that's right, this guy in hoop earrings comes by the table and gently reminds her.

I thought it was another thing that was unique to My Oldies.

Then, later on this morning, we chit chatted with a friend further up the street and regaled her with the above story. She then allowed as how her boss gets the same kind of treatment from his barber.

They have Saturday breakfast a couple of blocks from Panera's. Occasionally the boss's barber runs across the street to remind him, or to let him know that they're not busy and he can just walk in if he wishes.

So maybe it's these particular merchants on this particular street being accommodating to these particular people.

Whatever it is - in this economy - it's smart.
